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Why am I getting errors when trying to send SMS?

  • 17 February 2017
  • 5 replies

We integrated RingCentral API to our Java backend application to send Fax and SMS. We are getting errors when trying to send SMS.

5 replies

What is the error message? Could you please post the code you used to send Fax/SMS ?
Hello The response from ring central shows sms sent, but you didn't get it. Receipt(status=200, response={ "uri" : "https://platform.devtest.ringcentral....", "id" : 2697082004, "to" : [ { "phoneNumber" : "+XXXXXXXXXXX", "location" : "Aurora, IL" } ], "from" : { "phoneNumber" : "+XXXXXXXXXX", "location" : "Montebello, CA" }, "type" : "SMS", "creationTime" : "2017-02-17T13:18:40.000Z", "readStatus" : "Read", "priority" : "Normal", "attachments" : [ { "id" : 2697082004, "uri" : "https://platform.devtest.ringcentral....", "type" : "Text", "contentType" : "text/plain" } ], "direction" : "Outbound", "availability" : "Alive", "subject" : "Test SMS using a RingCentral Developer account - test sms content", "messageStatus" : "Sent", "smsSendingAttemptsCount" : 1, "conversationId" : 6361148894337916524, "conversation" : { "id" : "6361148894337916524", "uri" : "https://platform.devtest.ringcentral...." }, "lastModifiedTime" : "2017-02-17T13:18:40.265Z"}, key=null)
The response said that SMS was sent. I have no idea why you didn't get it.

Can you please mail the developer support team or create a support ticket for further investigation on this? Can you also send us full HTTP request and response?

As the HTTP status code is 200 the SMS should reach to the "to" number.

Can you check the link and verify if something similar has not happened
