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Why are "Edit Accounts API" calls not registering in Sandbox?

  • 21 September 2017
  • 5 replies

The sandbox does not properly record calls using the Edit Accounts permission. This is halting me from moving to production. I am certain that I am using this permission because if I remove it, I get invalid permission errors when using the Bulk-Assign API Call.

5 replies

Make some API calls using this permission and wait for a day. If it doesn't help please contact the developer support team.

This isn't simply a today problem. This problem has existed for at least a month. No calls to APIs requiring the Edit Accounts Permission are recorded in the sandbox. Edit Extensions (another beta permission) works perfectly and updates in accordance with the time-stamp under My Account->Status and Review. 
These endpoints do not record Edit Accounts Permission properly:
/v1.0/account/{accountId}/answering-rule  (POST)

I have forwarded this message to the support team. We'll get back to you soon.
Whats the status on this? It's holding us up from production and starting to get expensive!

The issue should be fixed. If you log in to Developer Portal and navigate to the 'Status & Review' tab under the application. you would see a Green Tick (   ) by the permission Edit Accounts

Please make sure to remove any unwanted API permissions and you should be able to 'Apply for Graduation'    
