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Why does an authorization error occur when attempting to login with Canadian credentials?

  • 14 March 2016
  • 4 replies

Cannot access client's production account based in Canada. We can access all of our clients in the US, but when attempting to login with the Canadian's credentials, an authentication error is returned.

4 replies

Hello Riley,

Could you provide the request data you are using to authenticate, including the full headers please (make sure to remove any API keys)?

Could you also provide the response you receive which contains the error?

This will help get us moving in the right direction to get you an answer. Thanks
There is not an error it just pulls in 0 extensions, even though there are 2 extensions.  I noticed on the RingCentral Service Login you need to select a country, is that something we need to do on our side?

Could you please provide the complete request you're using (make sure to include the headers)?

This is needed to diagnose. Thanks. :)

By default, the app is only enabled for RC US brand. Please send a request to enable RC Canada for your app to the developer support team via email or a support ticket.
