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Why I can't remove phone line from device

  • 2 April 2024
  • 4 replies

I have tried to delete a phone from a device:


but I got the error:

"message": "The line can not be removed from the unassigned device.",
"errorCode": "DEV-353"

What does it mean? What is wrong here?


4 replies

Userlevel 2

Based on the error message, it seems that you attempted to remove the phone line from a device which has not been assigned to any extension. Please check if it is the case.

The API is for unassigning a device which was assigned to an extension.

Yes this was problem.

Thank you

But now I have another issue.I want to assign this phone number to an other extension with:
Phone Numbers - Assign Phone Number

But with this request

curl --request PATCH

--url ''

--data '{"usageType":"PhoneLine","extension":{"id":"896916005"},"type":"VoiceFax"}'

I got the follwing error:


"errors": [


"errorCode": "CMN-101",

"message": "Parameter [type] value is invalid",

"parameterName": "type"




I tried also other types but every time the same error

{ "errors": [ { "errorCode": "CMN-101", "message": "Parameter [type] Wert ist ungültig.", "parameterName": "type" } ] }

Userlevel 2

Don't set the type parameter. OR if you set it, it must be the same as the type of that number. You can read the number info using this API.

Note: This does not support PhoneLine (Digital Line). Only CompanyNumber and DirectNumber
