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Why is the "Apply for Production" button still not active after 20 success calls?

  • 21 December 2016
  • 3 replies

The API requests exceed 20 successful calls, but the "Apply for Production" button is still not active.

Can you please help?

3 replies

There might be a delay. I suggest invoking the endpoint even more times and waiting for half a day.

In any case you feel there is a delay or any issues/ queries with the graduation process, you can always reach out to the developer support team and create a support ticket for assistance. They can take care of it.

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@ajathar Tyler's recommendation is correct. The process that monitors apps and aggregates usage statistics that are used in the graduation process runs on a recurring basis. Therefore, it can sometimes take several hours for the system to recognize that you have met the stated graduation requirements.

Furthermore, @Tyler Liu's recommendation to create even more requests is a good one, as you need to make 20+ requests within a given time period, so that if you wait too long to check back, you may end up right back where you started. So make an over-abundance of API calls, and check back every hour until the "Apply for Production" button is enabled.
