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Hi, Good day!

We are having an issue with RC Integration. The integration was working fine with password based authflow but we recently had to switch 3-legged oauthflow.

It is working fine but except for one of our tenants. We switch their account but they are unable to send SMS from our CRM. They have their own Ring Central account. All we did is switch their Auth to 3-legged Authflow.

We are not receiving the “refresh token”. This is the response that we get (I’ve added the **sanitized** text to conceal the data):


"access_token": "U0pDMDFQMjNQQVMwMHxBQUF2eUZtZkZaVE5Ebk50Sz**sanitized**",

token_type": "bearer",

"expires_in": 3600,

"scope": "SMS",

"owner_id": "**sanitized**",

"endpoint_id": "**sanitized**"


Typically the response we get includes the refresh_token value:

"refresh_token": "SUFEMDFQMTJQQVMwMHxBQUJRNF92NVkwYzA**sanitized**", "refresh_token_expires_in": 604800,

Thank you for your assistance.

When creating the app, did you say "Yes" to the "Issues refresh tokens" option?


You can also post the app client id here so I can check it for you.


Yes, we set the refresh tokens to "Yes".
Client ID: C7GUFmkxRtu_kbkP4RWE6w

Also, I tried creating a new app instead but we can't login to Sandbox for some reason.
