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5+ API calls per each used endpoint (20+ in total)

What does this mean?

The only permission for the app is SMS.

What are the required "endpoints" that must be demonstrated for successful graduation?

Hello Thomas,

With the launch of the Developer Journey feature (which provides developers with real-time analytics and production access request criteria validation for each of your applications and is available in the "Status & Review" section for your specific application in the Developer Portal) you can handle most of this self service with a little exploration.

But please allow me to address your questions:

5+ API calls per each used endpoint (20+ in total) 
What does this mean?

Each API Permission in the RingCentral API (such as Read Call Log) is associated with one or more API resources (such as Call Log). This means that for each API Permission you have assigned for your application, you must make at least 5 requests. In cases where you use only a single API permission/resource, you must make at least 20 requests to that particular API. For example let's say your application uses the following permissions:

- Read Accounts
- Read Call Log
- Faxes
- Read Messages

You have to use at least 20 API requests (successfully) in total with an aggregated error response percentage of less than 5%. So you would need to make 5 requests to each of these APIs successfully to have your application meet this criteria to access production.

But if you add an additional API permission, now you have to make 20 (total minimum required) + 5 (new API permission).

Does this make sense?

The only permission for the app is SMS.

Since you're only using SMS, you will need to execute at least 20 successful SMS requests to this endpoint and have less than 5% of those requests be a 4xx error response (1 error per 20 requests = 5%). OAuth requests do not count towards the tally.

What are the required "endpoints" that must be demonstrated for successful graduation?

For an application that ONLY uses the SMS API resource, we would look for the following:

1. A solid description which provides us with the information we need to assess how you plan on using SMS, i.e... will you be sending an SMS to remind customers of an upcoming event -or- are you sending marketing SMS to your customers?

2. We prefer 2 days of solid (simulated production) request volumes from your application, and have a bare minimum of one day of data with at least 20+ requests.

3. Less than 5% of your requests must not be HTTP 4xx error responses.

Of course more successful data, better descriptions, always make it easier for us when we're reviewing the applications weekly on Thursday for production access consideration.

Does all this answer your questions sir?


Please see below of the current status of my endpoint requirement:

The only permission I have is the webhook subscriptions so what are the other endpoints that I will need to request? I have created subscriptions via API and I think that's all I need at this point. Why am I still not passing this requirement?

