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Hello All,

I am new to RC and their sandbox and API's.

I currently got my sandbox up and running, but now how do I get call logs into the sandbox?

Do I need to add users to the sandbox, how do I make a call too the sandbox and not production?

I am guessing I need to do something, in order to get call log details, counts returned to my web page.



You need to add a user and make calls to the number that is assigned to the sandbox account. 
Do I add a user with or without a phone?  After I select my state I don't get zip codes, the box is grayed out.
Steps on how to generate call logs and setup a user would be nice.

I have installed the Desktop Soft Phone Application and I have it connected to my sandbox, but it will not make out going calls.
Cannot initiate Ring out call.
Hi Keith,

1.) Add users to Sandbox:
You can Add Users without Phones

2.) Login to Softphone With the User ( Sandbox Environment )

Login to Softphone using:
  • sandbox number
  • extension number ( {three digit} to {five digit} number)
  • password
  • direct number or digital line associated with a user
  • password
To know how to configure your Softphone to point to Sandbox env , please read the getting started guide here:  ( under Your Softphone ) 

3.) Initiate a Ringout using API 

Use RingOut API endpoint to initiate a Ringout, a simple example is below:

POST /v1.0/account/~/extension/~/ring-out
    "from": {
    "to": {
    "playPrompt": true

More information on RingOut API could be found here:

API ref:!#RefRingOut.html
API explorer:

4.) Check call-logs data created in service web

Login to service web and navigate to Call Log tab to see the data.
