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I have created a new App. Try to test it here

I have try everything, I test the endpoint in 3 different accouts, but in all of them i get the same error


these are the request options i'm sending


Could you please help to understand where's the mistake?

Thanks in advance.

@Joseph Guzman

I tried to reproduce the issue and the endpoint seems to be working for me!

503s in the sandbox could be intermittent issues, they should be resolved by now, could you please check if the endpoint works for you. If you are still facing the issue please let us know.

Joseph, can you attempt to reproduce. The problem may have been a transient issue in our sandbox environment. If the problem persists, let me know, but right now we are unable to reproduce this issue.

@Velmurugan B still not working, i tried the endpoint about two weeks ago and it was working fine, but now i'm doing exactly the same i was doing two weeks ago and suddenly it stopped working

Did you ever get this sorted out?

I'm experiencing the exact same issue.
