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Hi Community,

We are trying to create an external web application that monitors the user's presences(telephony and presence status). We are aware of the request limit which is 50req/min in this situation. We need to find a way to fetch the statuses without exceeding the request limit.
For instance: We have a grid that contains a list of users and need to monitor at least one hundred users at once.
Even if we can set a pagination logic in the grid, it is very easy to exceed the request limit with the current setup. We are stuck right now and we can not find an elegant way to solve the problem.

The API endpoint we use is{accountid}/extension/{extensionid}/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true

Any help or ideas is appreciated.


Hey Ovunc, I'm going to move this over to our Developer Community where they may have some suggestions 🙂

Hi Ovunc,

Please estimate the numbers of queries you might need per minute, business justification (like you explain in your question), and send a request for increasing the limit on a help ticket.

+ Phong

I have a solution that solved this exact same problem by webhook subscription Ring Central offers. I built a cloud api that 'mangaged' the latest update per extension. Keeping that record until another webhook event came in, for that extensionid, came in to update it. When you do this... you can build out your own 'get presence' api call for this new app yoi built, that can eliminate throttled calls, user access to only so many accounts, and the batched call maxed Ring Central provides. Or you can talk to your rep about having thresholds lifted.
