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We have a SIP server registered with RC using a supervisor's number, which will auto answer incoming SIP calls.

We then perform a supervisor monitor request on a call and our SIP server receives and answers the SIP call.

We want the audio packets for the call to be sent to the IP address and port specified in the SDP of the 200 OK, which may not be the same address as the SIP server.

This only seems to work if the IP address matches the address provided in the 'Contact' header of the original REGISTER.

Is there a way we can have the audio delivered based purely on the SDP ?

Here's a presentation we did at the last RC developer conference that might be helpful:
In terms of implementing what you are asking for, I'm a bit out of my depth on what is accepted within the SIP protocol regarding the response. However, I would expect that if you want to change where the audio is sent you would want to provide a "302 Moved Temporarily" (redirect) response. I don't know if RC will honor the redirect or not, but that might be worth trying to see what happens.

Good luck!

