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Basic C# example not working.

  • 17 February 2022
  • 9 replies

Hello, first time user here. I'm trying to test the most basic code sample for C# but it isn't working and it's throwing a very vague exception. Code and exception below. I replaced the sensitive variables with comments describing what they had been set to.

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using RingCentral;
using DotNetEnv;

namespace Call_Ringout
class Program
static RestClient restClient;
static void Main(string[] args)
restClient = new RestClient(
/*Client ID*/,
/*Client Secret*/,

static private async Task call_ringout()
var parameters = new MakeRingOutRequest();
parameters.from = new MakeRingOutCallerInfoRequestFrom
phoneNumber = /*From Number*/
}; = new MakeRingOutCallerInfoRequestTo
phoneNumber = /*To Number*/
parameters.callerId = new MakeRingOutCallerInfoRequestTo
phoneNumber = /From Number/
}; = new MakeRingOutCoutryInfo
id = "1"
parameters.playPrompt = false;
//var resp = await restClient.Restapi().Account().Extension().RingOut().Post(parameters);
//Console.WriteLine("Call Placed. Call status" + resp.status.callStatus);

var _1 = restClient.Restapi();
var _2 = _1.Account();
var _3 = _2.Extension();
var _4 = _3.RingOut();
var resp = await _4.Post(parameters);
Console.WriteLine("Call Placed. Call status" + resp.status.callStatus);
catch(Exception e)

I broke up the line

var resp = await restClient.Restapi().Account().Extension().RingOut().Post(parameters);

Into its component parts to see where the problem is. It is in the last part, which is why I put the try block around it alone.

Here is the error I'm getting:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at RingCentral.RestClient.Request(HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage, Int32 retriedTimes, Nullable`1 cancellationToken)
at RingCentral.RestClient.Request(HttpMethod httpMethod, String endpoint, Object content, Object queryParams, Nullable`1 cancellationToken)
at RingCentral.RestClient.Request[t](HttpMethod httpMethod, String endpoint, Object content, Object queryParams, Nullable`1 cancellationToken)
at RingCentral.RestClient.Post[t](String endpoint, Object content, Object queryParams, Nullable`1 cancellationToken)
at RingCentral.Paths.Restapi.Account.Extension.RingOut.Index.Post(MakeRingOutRequest makeRingOutRequest, Nullable`1 cancellationToken)
at Call_Ringout.Program.call_ringout() in C:Userswscheffeysource
eposCall_RingoutCall_RingoutProgram.cs:line 55

C:Program Filesdotnetdotnet.exe (process 28572) exited with code 0.
To automatically close the console when debugging stops, enable Tools->Options->Debugging->Automatically close the console when debugging stops.
Press any key to close this window . . .

Any help greatly appreciated.

I am having the same issue when doing a calllog, has anybody found a solution to this ?


I don't see how you create the query params so I cannot say what could be wrong. But get the latest .NET SDK and try this code.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using RingCentral;
using Newtonsoft.Json
namespace Read_User_CallLog
class Program
static RestClient restClient;
static void Main(string[] args)
// Instantiate the SDK
restClient = new RestClient(

// Authenticate a user using a personal JWT token
await restClient.Authorize( "RC_JWT" );

await read_user_calllog();
catch (Exception ex)
* Read user call log between a period of time
static private async Task read_user_calllog()
var queryParams = new ReadUserCallLogParameters();
queryParams.dateFrom = "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z";
queryParams.dateTo = "2024-01-31T23:59:59.009Z";
queryParams.view = "Detailed";

var resp = await restClient.Restapi().Account().Extension().CallLog().List(queryParams);
foreach (CallLogRecord record in resp.records)
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(record, Formatting.Indented));
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Cannot read user call log data. " + ex.Message);

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using RingCentral;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Read_User_CallLog
class Program
static RestClient restClient;
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Instantiate the SDK
RestClient restClient = new RestClient(
// Authenticate a user using a personal JWT token
// I have to use ConfigureAwait instead of wait cause it will
//just never return with wait.

await read_user_calllog(
catch (Exception ex)

static private async Task read_user_calllog()
var queryParams = new ReadUserCallLogParameters();
queryParams.dateFrom = "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z";
queryParams.dateTo = "2024-01-31T23:59:59.009Z";
queryParams.view = "Detailed";

var resp = await restClient.Restapi().Account().Extension().CallLog().List(queryParams);

foreach (CallLogRecord record in resp.records)
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(record, Formatting.Indented));
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Cannot read user call log data. " + ex.Message);


Thank you for replying. My code was in a .net API. I changed it to a console app but still getting the same issue, any help would be welcome.

You declared the static RestClient restClient in your class, then you declare a local restClient????

// Instantiate the SDK
RestClient restClient = new RestClient(

Remove it!

// Instantiate the SDK
restClient = new RestClient(

I still get the same error message


class Program
static RestClient restClient = new RestClient(
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Authenticate a user using a personal JWT token

await read_user_calllog();
catch (Exception ex)
* Read user call log between a period of time
static private async Task read_user_calllog()
var queryParams = new ReadUserCallLogParameters();
queryParams.dateFrom = "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z";
queryParams.dateTo = "2024-01-31T23:59:59.009Z";
queryParams.view = "Detailed";

var resp = await restClient.Restapi().Account().Extension().CallLog().List(queryParams);
foreach (CallLogRecord record in resp.records)
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(record, Formatting.Indented));
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Cannot read user call log data. " + ex.Message);

It's not the same error. Before, the restClient was null.

What is the reason you call the authorize this way?


Try this to see if it helps

await restClient.Authorize("<MyJWT>"));

I changed everything to be await and I am now able to get records back, however it is only returning calls I have made. I am an admin on our account. Please help me with this.

 class Program

static RestClient restClient = new RestClient(
"<mysecret>", true
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Authenticate a user using a personal JWT token
await restClient.Authorize("<MyJWT>");

var ringCallLogResponse = await read_user_calllog();
catch (Exception ex)

static private async Task<CallLogResponse> read_user_calllog()
CallLogResponse callLog = new CallLogResponse();
var queryParams = new ReadUserCallLogParameters();
queryParams.dateFrom = "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z";
queryParams.dateTo = "2024-01-31T23:59:59.009Z";
queryParams.view = "Detailed";

callLog = await restClient.Restapi().Account().Extension().CallLog().List(queryParams);

foreach (CallLogRecord record in callLog.records)
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(record, Formatting.Indented));
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Cannot read user call log data. " + ex.Message);

return callLog;


When I run it at I get back 99 pages with 100 records per page.

I removed the .Extension() and changed ReadUserCallLogParameters to ReadCompanyCallLogParameters and it works. Thank you for you help.
