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Hello, I'm having trouble graduating my app because I'm unable to use the call control permission in the sandbox. Most of the errors are from trying to make a callout. Everything else is working fine. I see that you've been able to make an exception for other apps. Thank you.

LeadMailbox 1.1

App ID # 8PUa1lLhSVumaMrbQ11e5Q

Unfortunately, I cannot make an exception for public app. And the app still has too many error. Please fix the 429 error (rate limit) and also make sure the call-out API work flawlessly.

How can I test the call-out without a device? I tried using the desktop app as a device, but support told me it will not work with a developer account. When I try to log in to the app it says: Sorry, you currently don't have permission to access this service. Contact your administrator to change permissions.

Download the RC Phone for desktop. Install & run the app and switch to sandbox mode (fn+cmd+f2 for MacOS) and login the soft phone.

Call the get extension device list to get the device id then use the device id to make a call-out.

Great, thank you.
