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Is it possible to query the api for the call log and retrieve the logs for ALL associated extensions? As it stands now, I have to make a separate call for each extension to get all the logs. I see the option to filter by a single extension, but I don't believe I saw the option for all extensions in the parameters for the call log api. But perhaps I am missing something? Is there maybe a certain keyword I can use for the extension parameter that will give me all extensions?

Do you need /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/call-log ?  Account level call logs should include all extensions' call logs

I'll give that a shot. I don't see that endpoint in the docs. All I see is /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/call-log . But I'll give this a shot and see how it goes...
How is it working Matt? Should be operating like a gem (but remember, you do need to have a user with Account-level viewing permission, typically an administrative account is what I have used successfully in the past.
Awesome! That did it. Thanks. One more question (and maybe I need to start a new thread for this) - will this same principle work for the message store? For instance, can I hit /restapi/v1.0/account/~/message-store to get the list of messages for ALL extensions?
You don't need to ask questions about endpoints here, please help yourself to read the doc:  If you can find that endpoint, then it is supported by the API server.  

Please note that, you need to login in order to read all the endpoints. Otherwise you will only see basic ones.
Why is using an admin account just to read the log files for calls incoming/outgoing an acceptable solution? That means I am giving my devs administrative access to my RingCentral which is definitely not a good idea.
