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I have a project using the RingCentral .Net SDK to access RingCentral call logs by extension and store them in SQL Server for custom reporting.

The process runs as expected through many extensions, but then fails at with a message "Service Temporary Unavailable". (yes, it says "Temporary" and not "Temporarily".) This does not occur on the same extension each time.

I am throttling my requests and have determined that this is not a Rate Limit error. Any ideas are appreciated.

Hi Robins,

Could you specify the Environment ( Sandbox / Production ) in which you are seeing the error please ?

This is in production.  Thanks

Could you please open a support case providing more details about the Account Number or perhaps the extension / extensions which is resulting in the error?

Also could you please attach the API Request and Response if you have any? You can open a support case via :

Help ticket:

Service Temporary unavailable seems to be a server error for which you can create SR or services request. Also can ask the developer support team by submitting a support ticket to help you ASAP.
