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We are developing quite big CRM system with a lot of users, who has a lot of data. Now we are create RingCentral integration plugin.

We want to give our users ability to receive calls depending on who is responsible for contact in crm.

We face the problem, that the only way to create such a feature is to load all numbers to Company Call Handling Rule. The main problem is that we need to load new numbers and update old, when responsible user changed. Our clients have more than 10 000 contacts with phone numbers on each resp. And its pain in the neck to synchronize all data online.

Some other services has options when they send us webhook and after that we can trigger call transfer using api or just sending requests to user and waiting for response with user id in their system. Other system do that when ivr menu is active.

Do you have something like this? Or you can advise any different solutions that can help us solve this problem?

RingCentral call control API is currently in beta. It allows you to transfer calls dynamically. So you can setup a central number and monitor incoming calls. And based on the caller number and your address back and responsibility mapping you can  transfer the call accordingly.
