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Hi community.

We're currently creating an App that allows the user to login into ring central using the Authorization code flow with PKCE.

In that app we want to show a small modal window when a call gets directed to the logged in user and then have the ability to either answer or forward the call.

When the call is direct or using a user extension we have no issue to call the answer call API endpoint, but when the call is to a Queue and a phone start ringing, then this endpoint doesn't work even if the call is in Proceeding state.

"errors": [
"errorCode": "TAS-118",
"message": "Wrong state to answer a call"

This is the endpoint that we call:

POST /restapi/v1.0/account/~/telephony/sessions/s-a1d14791c288az17fdbc0d5b5z10ad0000/parties/p-a1d14791c288az17fdbc0d5b5z10ad0000-5/answer
"deviceId": "801564933004"

Is there a limitation to answer calls when they are source by queues? as I explained before, if the call is direct then the answer endpoint works correctly.

Another annotation may be that if we actually use the ignore queue call endpoint, then it does work correctly with the same path parameters.

POST /restapi/v1.0/account/~/telephony/sessions/s-a1d14791c288az17fdbc0d5b5z10ad0000/parties/p-a1d14791c288az17fdbc0d5b5z10ad0000-5/ignore
"deviceId": "801564933004"

I could say that this is currently not supported. You will always get 409 Conflict even when the call status in a call queue is still in "Proceeding". I have observed this issue earlier too and have no solution for this.
