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I'm using the sandbox account for testing api.

I tried to create meeting using API, but I'm getting this error

[errorCode] => CMN-408   [message] => [Meetings] permission required    I have granted my app the permission to access and update Meetings. but still no luck.  

Also there is not option for meetings in UI too.

What is the meetingType that you are trying to create? Could you provide the API request ( including the HTTP body)? 
Please see below Request and Response


curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer U0pDMTFQMDFQQVMwMHxBQURpeTJNM

Request URL

Response Body
{   "errorCode": "CMN-408",   "message": "[Meetings] permission required",   "errors": [     {       "errorCode": "CMN-408",       "message": "[Meetings] permission required",       "permissionName": "Meetings"     }   ],   "permissionName": "Meetings" }

Response Code 403

Response Headers
"date": "Fri, 29 Sep 2017 07:56:45 GMT",
"x-rate-limit-limit": "50",
"routingkey": "SJC11P01PAS02",
"x-rate-limit-remaining": "49",
"content-length": "247",
"rcrequestid": "bd5277fe-a4eb-11e7-a9b5-005056bb594d",
"content-language": "en-US",
"x-rate-limit-group": "light",
"content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
"x-rate-limit-window": "60" }

The HTTP method you are using is a GET. 

Kindly refer to this link to see how to 'Create Meeting' using the API's :!/Meetings_%5BBeta%5D/createMeeti...

It's just an example of getting meetings list. I'm getting the same error when try to create meeting with POST endpoint
Hi Altaf,

You got that error because your sandbox account is not enabled to access meetings feature.
Can you let us know the type of your account. Is it a free developer account or are you a RingCentral customer/partner?

Kind regards,
I don't even see a Meetings section in my Sandbox developer environment.

Hi, can anyone provide guidance for my account ? I am facing the same error on my sandbox account. Thanks


Hi there, i face the same error, can anyone verify my account (i.e. to see if my sandbx can create meetings) ? thanks a lot

Please submit your question by creating a support ticket.
