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I have tried requesting the access token via both the Postman library found here:

as well as via a CURL request. In each case I get a different error but still cannot generate an access token.

I am using my Client ID and Client Secret found under the credentials area (Are these right?).

Any who,

CURL Request:

curl -X POST "
Hi Jordan,

Could you please check the application type, login to developer portal ( ) and click on the application and under settings you should see the "Platform Type". If the platform type is any one of below :
  • Browser-Based
  • Server-Web
  • Server-Only
Then you would need to follow the OAuth 2.0 Code flow for authentication. 

Please look up this discussion for more information.

Let us know if you have any question.
Hello to any future readers,
Thanks to the help of Anil @ RingCentral, I realized I was just making a dumb mistake by not reading documentation properly!

In the developer site there was a top level account phone number, I was trying to authenticate with this number and extension as opposed to my developer number (not this is a test account). 

I do feel the error message that was returned could be improved as it did not necessarily address the case I was running into. 

Issue is resolved however by using the right darn phone number!

I agree with you on the error message that we should provide for this particular 'use case'. I will convey this to my team. Thanks for the feedback!

Happy Coding!
Hello Guys,
I am facing the same error but my username,password and extension number are correct Below are the screenshot could anyone help me out in this regard

you forgot to use an Authorization header indicated in this doc

First you need to go through using OAuth with Authorization code grant_Type and need to know how to put Authorization header .

Please check here:
