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I tried to follow instruction in using my sandbox credential number +13133982564. However, I cannot go pass the Autorize code:


I got the error: "StatusCode: 400, ReasonPhrase: 'Bad Request', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContent, Headers: ...".

Could anyone give me some advice on this?

I see you have 2 test apps, one of that is your own creation and the other one created by the quick start template. The one you created is incorrect type for the quick start code.

Double check the app client id and client secret you are using in your code. You must use the client id and client secret of the "SMS Quick Start App" app.

Thanks Phong, I have removed the incorrect type app and used the client id/secret from the quick start template. I tested with Australian number and got error "MSG-240" saying "International SMS is not available for account". Do I need to upgrade my account?

Sandbox account does not support international call, nor international SMS. If you just want to test SMS API call, you can login your sandbox service web, add a new user with a new direct number, you can then send SMS message from one users phone number to another user's phone number.
