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Hello following this guide to subscribe a webhook:

When I try to run the two services, I always get the same error:

Content: {"errorCode":"SUB-522","message":"WebHook responds with incorrect HTTP

status. HTTP status is 502","errors":[{"errorCode":"SUB-522","message":"WebHook

responds with incorrect HTTP status. HTTP status is 502","status":"502"}],"statu


This is my webhook server code: the same as the example,


and this is my webhook subscription code:


Seeing the message response, is my webhook server wrong, Do I need another step for it to work.

Here are the steps that I am using :

1. run webhookServer

2. run ngrok.

3. paste ngrok url into webhook subscription

4. run

Here is the API response:


Check your ngrok port and the default port in your Webhook-server project. They should be the same port.

Yes, thanks for your answer, that was the problem of that, but now the post subscription happens with a 200 code, and after that if I send a message, I should be able to see it in the console from the C# example right?

But it always comes Null or "", do I am missing something, do I need to add more code, thanks for your time, here you can see that I was able to subscribe to the webhook.

