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Certificate Not Trusted

Our employees keep getting a message that pops up saying that a certificate is not trusted. The certificate is issued by GoDaddy. Is their a reason we keep getting these messages? Is it safe to ignore them? Should we be clicking "Trust Anyway"?
The message says:

Untrusted Server Certificates

You attempted to access a server ( with a certificate that is not trusted. Trusting this certificate may reveal your personal information to attackers.

Error code:-205

View Certificates (clickable text)

Then it gives us the option to "Don't Trust" in blue or "Trust Anyway" in white. We aren't sure what to do. We also use certificates on our website, but I think this is unrelated because when I click the "View Certificates" text it shows me a GoDaddy certificate assigned to RingCentral.

@Thomas Campbell, please ask your employee when does the message appears.

One of the users in our environment is experiencing the same behavior. We installed a fresh version of RingCentral last week but the issue returned today.
