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Can we change the Redirect URLs for the REST API API when it is moved from Dev Sandbox to Production ?

The Scenario is :
1. We have a REST API OAuth App(3-legged OAuth flow authorization code)

2. We develop our app in Dev Sandbox and the redirect URL points to our Dev Server say https:/mydev/handle/oauth

3.After we pass the graduation tests we apply for production and get the Production approval.

4. At this point (move to prod with prod credentials) can we change the redirect url that points to our Production Server say https:/myprod/handle/oauth ?

Thanks &Regards,


Yes, you can change, add or remove the redirectUrl of an app which is graduated to production. Simply login your RingCentral developers portal, select the app and click Settings then change it.

You can add multiple Redirect Urls if you need to to provide access to apps on staging , testing , sandbox and production when you create a Sandbox app.

Thanks @Phong Vu

Thanks @vyshakhBabji
