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I apologize if this has been solved already, but I haven't found a thread addressing this. When pasting & running the code snippet from the Create Team Messaging Team Tutorial, I get the following error: 'keys must be str, int, float, bool or None, not builtin_function_or_method'. I figured it was the id variable that causes the error, but when changing it to "id", I then get a HTTP424 error. Much assistance/direction would be appreciated. Thank you!screenshot-2023-06-30-101637.png

Thanks for reporting this! Yes, it is a mistake in the example code. The keys must be quoted as 'id'.

We will fix that and commit a change in our next dev guide updates.

UPDATED: This is weird too. Checking the local source code I could see that the params are well quoted. Even the the one within the # comments 'email': '"...".

Anyway, we will update it accordingly soon.

Do you have any idea why it would throw a HTTP424 error after correctly adding single quotes?

@Phong Vu

Do you provide valid "id"? Where did you read the id and specify in your code?

The ids in the code are just examples.

@Nathan Allen I tested it out in my workspace and it works for me. As Phong mentioned, did you make sure to substitute it with the extensionIds from your account? If that doesn't work either. I would need to investigate this further by looking into your app settings. Can you please submit a ticket here
