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Hi Team,

Does "Update Message ReadStatus" endpoint support batch request ? as i want to update multiple messages "ReadStatus" in one single request.

if yes then can you please provide me sample code for c# sdk for the same ?

i can see in API Explorer below line :

Updates message(s) by ID(s). Batch request is supported. Currently, only the message read status updating is supported.
but dont know how to do it.

Hardik Joshi

C# SDK doesn't support batch request API. It is a known limitation.

I will see if I can produce some sample code(using low level HTTP requests to do batch requests) for you.
Ok np Tyler. thank you 
I have written an example:

Please read and let me know if you have questions.
Alright...thanks Tyler let me check it
Hi Tyler, it works for me thank you very much for your help.

i am having one question on it, is there any limits on number of messages i can send to update in one go ? or i can updates as many as i have.

second thing currently i am getting status "207" after all what if one of provided messages not updated as "Read" i mean which status i will get in that case.

Hardik Joshi

Detailed documentation is here:!#BatchRequests.html

 is there any limits on number of messages
I am not aware of such limitation

second thing currently i am getting status "207" after all what if one of provided messages not updated as "Read" i mean which status i will get in that case.

Any code other than 207 means not fully successful. For example, if one ID is not found, 404 will be returned. If there is a server side error, 500 will be returned. You can have a try yourself and let me know if you have further questions.
