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  1. I am developing an app and would like to use the Method Provisioning -> Edit Extension, but I cannot add the App Scope “EditAccounts”.
  2. Furthermore I would like to use the Method Voice -> List Call Queue Members but I am getting the error: “BIL-103","message":"Feature [CallQueuePresence] is not available for current account” while in the Sandbox. I guess, this will prevent me from graduating my App.

Please submit a dev support ticket for both issues.

I submitted the case and here is what they answered:

Call queue presence APIs are only available for MVP ultimate or premium account. I am not sure what account you have in Sandbox, but what we can do is push the application manually to production so you can test it with your production account.

how do I push the app manually to production. Isn't a successful attempt of each permission a prerequisite for graduation?


They mean that they could help you graduate the app manually. You can write back to say "yes please graduate it manually for me". Then you can test your code directly on your production account.

Let me check if the CallQueuePresence feature really cannot be enabled for a sandbox account. But you should go ahead to notify the dev support team about the app manual graduation.
