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I followed the code example at but getting error 400 on the "Authorize" line.

One or more errors occurred. (Call failed with status code 400 (Bad Request): POST

Here is code:

static RestClient restClient;

static void Main(string[] args)


restClient = new RestClient("client-id",









Can you tell me what did I do wrong?

There was an outage during the weekend on sandbox server. Can you try again and let me know.

BTW, I edited your question to hide app client id and client secret as well as the phone number.

I got the same error today.


Tested again today and got the same 400 error.

Can anyone help me?

I tried again and still getting the same error!

Can you do the exact way as the sample code shows

RestClient rc = new RestClient("client_id", "client_secret", false);


Code and error message.

Can you share the app client id here.
