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sandbox.pngI just logged in as an administrator into the developer portal and created an App. However at the end of the app setup there is an error that the sandbox cannot be created. I tried creating a second app and got the same error. I don't see anything else I can do to fix this.

Is this a free-tier sandbox account (meaning not a sandbox associated with your production account)? The title is about creating a sandbox but the popup shows "app creation".

No this is not a free-tier this is one of our customers production accounts.

Yes the title of my post is sandbox creation but I got the error after doing the inital App set up. I can log into the developer portal, and I can create an app. but there isn't a sandbox account so I can graduate my app.

Saying that the sandbox account is associated with your customer production account, do you know that your customer has setup the sandbox account?

Can you give me the sandbox main company number so I can check it for you.

Thank you for the reply. There is no Sandbox environment main number... that is the problem. See screen shot below There is no Main Company Number for the Sandbox Environment.

I can give you my ungraduated app's client id.


Can you find the account with that?

Thank you.



I checked and saw that this account does not have a sandbox account setup yet. so I just created a sandbox account on your behalf. Please login your developers portal again and login the sandbox to setup, add more users/phone numbers if you need.


Thank you Phong.
