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Hi All,

I was working on send SMS from RingCentral API but encountered the below error:

"Parameter [from] value [**********] is invalid [Cannot find the phone number which belongs to user]"

Here are the step that I followed(referred from

  • Created sandbox org
  • Got access token
    • curl -i -X POST ''

      -H 'Accept: application/json'

      -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

      -u '<clientIdFromSandbox>:<clientSecretFromSandbox>'

      -d 'username=<usernameFromSandbox>&password=<password>&extension=&grant_type=password'

  • Used Access token to send SMS:

  • One doing this, I received Cannot find the phone number which belongs to user error

Please note that I have a person(Super admin) and it has been assigned with the phone number that I am providing in second API call.

Can anyone help me with this to find if I am missing anything?



This happens when you use the phone number send the sms different from the phone number you used to generate access token.

First check the phone number and extension number you used to generate the access toke is same you used to send sms in From field
