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Is it possible to expire and generate a new app secret for a REST API app that is already in production, or is this one of those "immutable" properties?

App Secrets cannot be regenerated. You can create a new application if needed.

Regardless, if you are concerned that your App Key and/or App Secret have been attacked or lost, you should immediately suspend that application in the developer portal and then create a new application.
Thanks Benjamin.

Don't suspect that, however I wanted to know if at least the App Secret portion could be easily refreshed to help safeguard an application. Other APIs provide that functionality that's why I asked.

Our application is under regular use by customers so it is not something that we could easily suspend and re-create...

That brings me to another important question regarding app versioning. Do we have to go thru app approval process all over again even if it's a minor change such as the redirect uri property?

I think we can create new app key and secret upon request and delete old one. But we cannot update a secret for the same key.

Regarding your second question. Yes, we can apply minor changes to your app upon your  request without re-graduation. You can contact developers support for it privately.
Thanks Anton. I appreciate the facts that your apps are carefully curated, it helps protect everyone involved and insures a better outcome.

Having said that, I think some minor things could be submitted by the developer and then reviewed and approved by you without re-graduation.

I will post a request for redirect uri's soon.
