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Facing this fatal error Response has unsuccessful status

use RingCentralSDKHttpHttpException;
use RingCentralHttpResponse;
use RingCentralSDKSDK;

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$rcsdk = new SDK('******', '*****', '', 'Demo', '1.0.0');
$platform = $rcsdk->platform();
$auth = $platform->login('+12679304066', '101', '*******');
// Load something nonexistent
echo 'login response:' . $auth->text(). PHP_EOL;

installed via composer curl is enabled and also added i php.ini

curl.cainfo = "E:/wamp/cacert.pem" after downloading pem file.

Hi Hassan,

If you are using custom SSL Certificates you could adopt the following methods to set the path to the PEM file :

1.) Within the SDK

This option would require modifying the SDK the Cient.php code. When using this approach, ideally the path parameter could be passed into the SDK.

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, TRUE);  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "/path/to/cacert.pem");    

 2.)  using the php.ini file
You would have to add this to the php.ini file :
For more detailed information Refer to this in our Github-PHP-SDK-Issue

Could you verify if the certificate is valid if you are using the option 2 specified above
I had already go through this link and resolve this error by second method you specify, after that i am facing this error attached in my issue.
I follow your first step Within the SDK but even then this issue exists.
please help

Hi Hassan,

The reason you are getting that error is because your application is of type "Public" and we make sure that all the RingCentral Applications of type Public implement the  Authorization Code Flow mandatorily.

Kindly take a look at our demo in PHP here :

For further information on Authorization Flow, please refer to our documentation here :!#AuthorizationCodeFlow

Let us know if you are able to get it working. Thanks.

If you're using an OAuth 2.0 request using the OAuth 2.0 you need to provide the correct grant_type while making a call

Please note, application created with different platform type will have different grant_type.

If your application is public then most of the case the grant_type will be Authorization code where you need to login using your user ID and password. It will be launching a browser window to make a call to an authorization URL implementing a 3-legged (Authorization Flow) auth in you PHP code. Also for the issue you are facing, you also need to check the SSL certificate you are using.

RingCentral JavaScript SDK has methods to handle the authorization code grant flows.

I get error Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Response has unsuccessful status in C:xampp3htdocs
ingcentral-phpsrcHttpClient.php:44 Stack trace: #0 C:xampp3htdocs
ingcentral-phpsrcPlatformPlatform.php(310): RingCentralSDKHttpClient->send(Object(GuzzleHttpPsr7Request)) #1 C:xampp3htdocs
ingcentral-phpsrcPlatformPlatform.php(434): RingCentralSDKPlatformPlatform->sendRequest(Object(GuzzleHttpPsr7Request), Array) #2 C:xampp3htdocs
ingcentral-phpsrcPlatformPlatform.php(212): RingCentralSDKPlatformPlatform->requestToken('/restapi/oauth/...', Array) #3 C:xampp3htdocs
ingcentralindex.php(16): RingCentralSDKPlatformPlatform->login(Array, '101', 'XXXXXXXXX') #4 {main} Next RingCentralSDKHttpApiException: Unauthorized for this grant type in C:xampp3htdocs
ingcentral-phpsrcHttpClient.php:52 Stack trace: #0 C:xampp3htdocs
ingcentralve in C:xampp3htdocs
on line 52

You have to provide better background info. Just those traces do not help me help you.

- Some code where you implement login

- Platform environment (sandbox or production)

- App client id or authentication grant type

Also, check and clean your traces before posting to avoid posting sensitive information. I have to edit your question to XXX out your login password!
