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I want to download FAX attachment. I got the attachment URI (e.g., but when I call that uri through JS, it give's me some long string (like "JVBERi0xLjMKJeLjz9MKMSAwIG9iaiAKPDwK....."). When I try yo decode that code, It shows me some text and a Unicode. below is the sample code.

platform.get('/account/~/extension/~/message-store?messageType=Fax&dateFrom=2017-03-16T01:00:00.000Z&direction=Inbound').then(function(response) {

var abcd = "";

$records = response.json().records;


abcd = response1;


Please advice ASAP.

Can you try to replace the "media" with platform and get the attachment?

+ Phong
Hello ,
Thank you for quick response.
I have change as per you suggested above.

I am getting response like this.

  1. ApiResponse {_externals: Externals, _request: Request, _response: Response, _text: "", _json: null, }
    1. _externals: Externals {PubNub: , localStorage: Storage, Promise: , fetch: , Request: , }
    2. _json: null
    3. _multipart: []
    4. _request: Request {originalBody: undefined, method: "GET", url: ";, headers: Headers, destination: "", }
    5. _response: Response {type: "cors", url: ";, redirected: false, status: 200, ok: true, }
    6. _text: ""
    7. __proto__: Object

How will I get fax attachment from this response. Please advise ASAP.

Hello ,

Is there any update regarding this ??

Hello ,

Is there any update regarding this ??

