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I am using the RingCentral API to send faxes. The confirmation email that is sent via email does not contain a valid filename, but instead, shows some weird characters, as shown below:


I am using the .NET SDK as shown below:



Is this a bug with the API?

Thank you in advance!

What is the name of the file that it should be displayed? And did you send from a production or a sandbox account?

I just run a quick test and the file name displayed correctly.

I can now confirm that if the name of a file is in unicode, the filename will not be rendered correctly in the fax transmission result email. There seems no solution for this. So the only way to avoid that problem is to change the name to something else not in unicode chars.

Thank you for your response, I had a feeling this was a bug.

Are there any workarounds? The .NET SDK uses a string for the filename, and not a byte array, which is always natively Unicode, I believe.

I can try to hack something like this together, but not sure it will work:

 new string(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(file.Name).Select(b => (char)b).ToArray())

The issue can be reproduced with the official app. Just send a fax with a file with Chinese characters in the filename, such as [some-chinese-characters-here].txt. (this forum doesn't support Chinese characters, if I include some, the post cannot be published at all.)

The email notification will display the filename as %E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95.txt

I believe it is a bug of the program which sends out the email notification. It cannot handle non-ascii characters.
