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I am following this tutorial on creating an app:

I went into visual studio following the instructions and got the Ring Central API. When I ran the code from the tutorial after filling the fields, I got the following error:

Content: {

"error" : "unauthorized_client",

"errors" : [ {

"errorCode" : "OAU-251",

"message" : "Unauthorized for this grant type"

} ],

"error_description" : "Unauthorized for this grant type"


Going through the forums "Unauthorized for this grant type" errors can supposedly be solved by getting 3-legged authentication. Which got me to this page:

In step 1 I don't understand how I'm meant to generate the URL. Is it copy and pasted from a specific ring central link related to my app? When I look at my sandbox app, the url is generic ( and doesn't lead to anywhere. Also if you have any advice to making apps in Ring Central, it would be appreciated.

What is your app client id? Or is your app type a password flow authentication or OAuth authorization?

I do have a client ID (CMnL47khQVSZOOfUT1i76 for sandbox app).

On reflection, my app is not web based or browser based (it is run in visual studio), so it's not OAuth. Not sure what I need to do to authorize my app now.
