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I have been tasked to come up with some automation using your API to deal with some provisioning, deprovisioning, and modifications of accounts.

Trying to determine if these items are possible to manage using the API and where do I get the API documentation? I have some general use of the API in sandbox.

1. Get a list of available licenses

2. Get a list of sites so the correct one can be assigned as needed

3. Get a list of number inventory (filter by site would be good)

4. Disable an account

5. Delete an account

6. Change voice mail PIN

7. inactivate call handling roles.

1. Get a list of available licenses

What do you mean "license"?

2. Get a list of sites so the correct one can be assigned as needed

You can read sites by making a GET call to this endpoint "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/sites"

3. Get a list of number inventory (filter by site would be good)

This is not supported right now. But we have a plan to support it via this API. Once it is supported, you will be able to read number inventory of your account.

4. Disable an account
"Account"? If you meant "extension", then call the Update Extension API with the "status" set to "Disable"

5. Delete an account

"Account"? If you meant "extension", then call the Delete Extension API

6. Change voice mail PIN

I am not aware of any API. Where can you set voicemail PIN now?

7. inactivate call handling roles.

What is this?

Sorry my terminologies may be wrong. I kind of got thrown into this last minute.

7. It is just call handling. On the manage a user screen under the call handling & forwarding section. looking to enable/disable those functions through the API.

With the extension list, I know I can create a user account but the extension would need to be known first and/or manually added afterwards since there is no way to get a list to choose from with the API?

7. Check Call Answering Rules APIs to read/update call handling rules. Get more info from the Dev Guide.

It's still unclear to me about what you want to achieve with the extension creation. "there is no way to get a list to choose from with the API" a list of unassigned extensions? If that is what you need, call this API with the query param "status=Unassigned"

Also, since I'm using C#, how do I find some of these calls in your dev site? The API for getting the sites, I can't find its usage anywhere. Is your ringcentral restapi classes for C# depreciated?

The API is not yet public, thus, the endpoint is not available via SDK method. You can use raw API call like this.

var response = await rcsdk.Get("/restapi/v1.0/account/~/sites");
var resStr = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

@Phong Vu ; Your nugget on the sites endpoint just made my day!! (~/restapi/v1.0/account/~/sites).

Of course my follow up on that; Create/Modify/Delete operations for that endpoint are sorely needed. Also a simple query by SiteID (which drives the notion... we'll probably need a local reference table for our SiteIDs. 300+ with more coming (ugh....)
