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Getting "CMN-102 Resource for parameter [deviceId] is not found" when trying to make callout using c# sdk

  • 6 December 2023
  • 1 reply

I am using JWT Authentication and when I try to create a callout request, I am getting Resource for parameter [deviceId] is not found. Can someone point out what I am missing here?

Little more context: In production, we have 9 Lines and we need to perform callout from those lines in parallel. For now, I am just trying to build a POC with one line. Device is Online and is hardphone.

Code looks like this:

var restClient = new RestClient("CLIENTID", "CLIENTSECRET", true); //Have 
await restClient.Authorize("JWT TOKEN");
var parameters = new MakeCallOutRequest
from = new MakeCallOutCallerInfoRequestFrom { deviceId = "device_id" }, //Line 5 device id
to = new MakeCallOutCallerInfoRequestTo { phoneNumber = "PHONE TO CALL" }
var resp = await restClient.Restapi().Account().Telephony().CallOut().Post(parameters); //getting error here

In this case, you should open a dev support ticket, provide the info and the support team can have a look at your code or account/device settings.
