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Hi Commuinty,

I graduated my public webhook application and got client id, client secret and created JWT token for my app for production environment. But when I try to get an access token using these new production credentials I end up with an error:


"error" : "invalid_client",

"errors" : [ {

"errorCode" : "CMN-408",

"message" : "In order to call this API endpoint, one of the following permissions [ThirdPartyAppAccess] have to be granted to the authorized user.",

"parameters" : [ {

"parameterName" : "permissionsName",

"parameterValue" : "ThirdPartyAppAccess"

} ]

} ],

"error_description" : "In order to call this API endpoint, one of the following permissions [ThirdPartyAppAccess] have to be granted to the authorized user."


Since credentials that I use are for production environment, i use endpoint.

I get no error if I use sandbox credentials and endpoint.

The user whose JWT token is used for getting access token has Developer Admin role. In my understanding it should have "ThirdPartyAppAccess" permission.

Why I cannot get access token using production credentials for my app & user? Is that because my user belong to free account?


Nikolai Chashchin

You should open a dev support ticket for this so some one can have a deep look at your app, account and the JWT token.
