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I am using c# sdk for my server application.i have already done authorization using appKey and appSecret and user name password.

now when i am going call method to get the messages (Message List) from c# using below code.its giving me following response.

Request :

var extension = rc.Restapi().Account().Extension();

var response = await extension.MessageStore().List();

var messages = response.records;

in response i am getting below :

Id = 1487

Status = WaitingForActivation

Result = null

can you please help me solve this problem

The C# SDK is async.

  var response = await extension.MessageStore().List();

Do not omit the await keyword.

 Or you can try the following:

var response = extension.MessageStore().List().Result;

Thanks Tyler for your reply. but when i am using above mention solutions. it will not giving me any response just stuck over there.

Nothing is happens when i use await keyword or writing .Result as above. it will simply stuck and not able to get any response from it

It's hard to get C# async correct. And it is often "stuck". Generally speaking it is a C# programming issue:
According to this:

One possible solution is to use await everywhere. Don't mixup await and .Result
