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Google Chrome Extension

  • 23 May 2019
  • 1 reply

Hey all, I was wondering if there was anywhere I could see info about planned app/extension updates? I actually use BT Cloud Phone but have noticed the Chrome extension is lacking some of the features of the RingCentral version. Specifically I am after being able to pick up a call you have placed on hold from the mobile/desktop app using the a Chrome extension. It seems to be built into the RingCentral version but in the BT version you can only view the current calls. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers, Adam

Hey Adam, I followed up with our Integrations team on this and they can't seem to replicate what you're experiencing. Could you make a recording of what you're seeing and email it to me at I'll share it with the Integrations team so that they can look into what's going on 🙂
