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The entire day the "Graduation Requirements" section for my application shows N/A on all fields and the error message "Error occurs. Please refresh to retrieve the data".

It appears to be accessing and then that is returning a JSON object:

{"status":{"status":"INTERNAL_ERROR","message":"Internal Server Error"},"eventId":"564d71ab-9eff-4fe3-86a0-ddce19ceffce"}

So it looks like something is not working right on your end. Can you please investigate/fix and get back to me?

Hi Nicholas,

This is an internal issue. We are aware of this issue and we are looking to resolve it at the earliest. 

Thanks for reporting this. This was resolved a few days ago. Please try again and let us know if you are still encountering any issues.

For any account-related issues like yours which may be caused due to some internal issue, please contact the developer support team by submitting a support ticket.

Regarding your question how long it takes for graduation, you need to give the RingCentral team some time to review and process it. In case of any emergency, please reach out to them through a support ticket.

Please mention your client I'd to them and request them to review and move to production. If there is anything needed from your side to change or modify, they will inform you.
