My sandbox is a little bit broken, in that I cannot make calls. RingCentral support used remote desktop to check this, accepted there was a problem, then kindly generated some fake call data for me so I can work with the api.
My 'app' is very simple and only requires the 'ReadCallLog' permission. My problem is this permission only exposes 6 endpoints. I need to hit 5 of them for my graduation, but the call data I have does not include Call Recordings. I don't actually want call recording data, but I need to hit those endpoints to get my graduation count to 5.
Because I don't have call data with recordingIds I can't hit the endpoint.
So, can someone please generate more call data so I can jump through the graduation hoops, or just allow my app to graduate anyway. It's a read only app for call logs, so totally harmless.