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High Volume Batch SMS (Beta)


  1. Send messages in a batch at a high volume
  2. Supported in US and CA
  3. Use a Single API Call to send messages to thousands of numbers
  4. Use the same API Endpoint to send a Broadcast or a Personalized message to different numbers
  5. Unlimited SMS Batch Size (New Feature)
  6. Queuing (New Feature)
  7. Push Notifications - Batch status, Outbound Message, Inbound Message, Opt-outs


POST /account/~/a2p-sms/batch

This endpoint is used to send a batch of sms(s). This API can be used to either Broadcast the same message to all recipients or send a customized message to different recipients.

Input Parameters

* accountId := string (path parameter)

Sample Request

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

Sample Broadcast Request

'from': TF_NUMBER,
'text': 'Broadcast SMS',
'messages': [{'to':["+14083388064"]},{"to":["+14083388064"]}]

Sample Personalized Request

'from': TF_NUMBER,
'text': 'Broadcast SMS',
'messages': [{'to':["+2222222233"],'text': 'This is for Dibyendu, stay safe'},{"to":["+14087187847"],'text': 'This is for XYZ, stay safe'}]

Sample Response



GET /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/a2p-sms/batch/{batchId}

This endpoint is used to get the status of a batch. You can use this to identify how many records did the batch process or the completion of the batch.

Input Parameters

* accountId := string (path parameter)

* batchId:=string (path parameter)

Sample Response



GET /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/a2p-sms/messages?batchId={batchId}&pageToken={pageToken}&perPage={perPage}

This endpoint can be used to get the status of single batch or ALL batches.

Input Parameters

* accountId := string (path parameter)

* batchId:=string (query parameter)

* pageToken:=string (query parameter)

* perPage:=string (query parameter)

Sample Response



GET /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages/{messageId}

This API provides message level delivery details.

Input Parameters

* accountId := string (path parameter)

* messageId:=string (path parameter)

Sample Response

"text":"This is for Dibyendu, stay safe",

Push Notifications

Push notifications can be used at various levels to stay updated on everything going on with your high volume SMS, from a High Volume SMS batch to an individual message level.

The following push notifications are available.

  • Message Batch notifications : Provides updates on the individual batch status
  • Inbound message notifications : Provides updates on an incoming message to a number
  • Outbound message notifications : Provides updates on the delivery status of outbound messages
  • Opt-out notifications : Provides updates to track customers who opted out

Message Batch notifications

Batch level push notifications provide updates on batch status. A batch could have two states "Processing" and "Completed". The following event filters are supported:

  • /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/batch - Notification for any batch status changes on that account
  • /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/batch - Notification for a specific batchId
  • /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/batch?from=+15553334488 - Notification on batches from a specific From number

Inbound message notifications

Notify incoming messages on a phone number. The following event filters are supported:

  • /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Inbound - Notification on inbound messages to current account
  • /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Inbound&to=+15553337788 - Notification on inbound messages to a given phone number.

Outbound message notifications

Notify the delivery status of outbound messages. The following event filters are supported:

  • /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Outbound - All outbound messages in an account
  • /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Outbound&batchId=abc123 - All outbound messages from a specific batch
  • /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Outbound&from=+15553339900 - Outbound Messages from a specific phone number

Opt-out notifications

Provides updates to track customers who opted out. The following event filters are supported:

  • /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/opt-outs - All opt-outs for a given account
  • /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/opt-outs?from=+15553332299 - Opt-outs from a specific phone number

Sample Code / App to Play with various scenarios

You can use the sample Python App to play with various scenarios

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