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Hello, Good Morning.
I seem to be missing something but I can't pass the exercise Webhook Subscriptions. I need this to use my app with production data before release. I have created and deleted subscriptions endpoints in my sandbox app without problem but havent had the chance to pass the webhook subscription requirement to graduate it.

This is the endpoint that I am using : "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/telephony/sessions"

Any advice would be more than appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Create, renew and delete your subscription several times. If that still does not help, post your app client id here and I can help graduate it manually.

Hello Phong Vu, I just tried and still not able to graduate

My AppID is = 5qeEsmgHTsy9h_PV3WU_TQ

Thanks for your help.

Is this just a test app? Do you mind to name it with a more meaningful name and a good app description?

I also see the app did not meet other graduation requirements. Please call those API to exercise other permissions and fix those error to get low error rate.

