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I am new in this segment and looking for your help to implement login flow in which user will login only once and then our web server will catch the access_token. Now I want to know that do we have a method in which I can login the user in the widget using the saved access token. Please help

Hi, @aditi test you can try In-page login mode When user had logged with RingCentral OAuth page, it would auto logged in the widget.
Hi Embbnux,
thanks for your reply, I have tried it, but it's giving me error "No Auth Code". I tried a lot but, I am not able to find a solution for the same. 


I also tried to implement In-page login mode. I was able to get access_token(and saved it in DB), but I don't understand what should I pass instead of "your_app_key". I tried to pass there access_token, clientId and etc, but I always got "error" : "invalid_client"

Could you please explain what should I pass into appKey?

Hi, @Oleg In in-page login, we are reusing alive session in RingCentral login page. If user login in somewhere of current browser, when user goto widget with in-page login, widget will redirect to RingCentral login page. If session is still alive, RingCentral login page will redirect back with access token. We require app key for using same alive session. You don't need to pass access token to widget.

For error "invalid client", can you check your appKey. It is caused by wrong appKey. Is you app id in production environment. If your app id in on sandbox, you need to pass appServer ""

@Embbnux Ji redirect page is not responsive ............can you provide another link
