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My username is 19163304357

I created a sandbox id but when I tried to reset the password as instructed it asks for security question which I don't think have set. Anyway I can still login to the development portal.

I tried anyway using that password and got the below response. Does it mean my password has not been reset? If so how can I reset it without the security question?

my email address is

Response Body

{    "error": "invalid_grant",    "errors": [      {        "errorCode": "OAU-140",        "message": "Invalid resource owner credentials"      }    ],    "error_description": "Invalid resource owner credentials"  }

Response Code


Response Headers

"date": "Wed, 16 Nov 2016 04:17:15 GMT",
"content-language": "en",
"content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"

You can send an email to the developer support team or create a support ticket (copying this information into the body of the email) making sure to use the email address associated with the account as the "from" address. Request your password be reset for your account.

This error typically means the credentials are invalid (such as username/password mismatch) or are not part of the account associated with the API key used (for private apps or apps in sandbox).
