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When you first register your application at the RingCentral for Developers portal, your app automatically is assigned an active sandbox application key. This sandbox application key allows you to authenticate in the RingCentral Sandbox environment to test your app before going to production.

Once you are done developing in the Sandbox and are ready to release your integtration for production use, you should obtain a production application key. To apply for a production app key, please do the following:

  1. Go to the Applications page
  2. Open the App for which you want to receive a production application key
  3. Click the "Move to production" button
  4. You will be asked to confirm your applications basic description. Fill out the
    form in its entirety now, once you submit it cannot be modified
  5. Click "Send Request". You should now be able to see your production application key next to the Sandbox one.

Production application keys are issued automatically in a Pending states, but that they will be approved manualy by RingCentral Support staff. Please be ready to wait up to 3 to 7 days until your production key is activated. You may be asked to run some production-like traffic in the sandbox environment in order for your app to be graduated for production.

Great summary, thanks Evgeniya!
Thanks Evgeniya!

This should be documented in a stepwise manner in official documentation. Not sure these summary details are there

I followed the above steps given by Evgeniya and it worked - Please follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Applications page
  2. Open the App for which you want to receive a production application key
  3. Click the "Move to production" button
  4. You will be asked to confirm your applications basic description. Fill out the
    form in its entirety now, once you submit it cannot be modified
  5. Click "Send Request". You should now be able to see your production application key next to the Sandbox one.
