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I get the call for a user using Sandbox app by following API call:

var usersCalls= await restClient.Restapi().Account().Extension().CallLog().List(
new ReadUserCallLogParameters
 perPage = 30,
 showBlocked = true,
 dateFrom = "some date",
 dateTo = "some date",
 view = "Detailed"

Some of the transferred calls do not have original, not RingCentral phone numbers.

If A calls B, then call forwards to C I can see the A number (A number is not RingCentral number).

The problem is to get A number for the forwarded outbound call.

Like B(RingCentral number) calls A(not RingCentral number), then B forwards call to C(RingCentral number), in that case, I don't see A number.

Is that by design and expected not to see the original number (A number)?

Thank you.

Just to note that I get a call log for C in both cases for inbound and outbound calls.

Unfortunately, the call log is a call history and it was not designed to log all details of a call including call transfer.

You have to implement an app that subscribes for the /telephony/sessions event notification and build your logic to create own call data. Let me know if you have further questions.
