Our APIs use
Oauth 2.0 Protocol for authentication and authorization. Once the app is authenticated our servers return back the access token and refresh token which are valid for 1 hour and 1 week respectively. You are able to cache the tokens and use them to request new access/refresh tokens after they are expire. We provide different authorization flows for a client application :
- Authorization Code Flow ( recommended for Client/Browser Applications )
- Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow (ROPC)
- Refresh Token Flow
More information on Authorization Flows could be found here :
Thanks for share.This link may everyone know.It is better if you share the parameter,you passed in api to get the refresh token.
The parameter for refresh_token is almost same as grant_type password with minor change.
url will be same: https://platform.devtest.ringcentral.com/restapi/oauth/token
"Authorization",:"Basic <ClientID:ClientSecret in base 64>
In body, we need to pass the parameters in following way :
username=<account phone number>&password=<account password>&extension=<your extension>&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=<the refresh token generated>