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How long take the review and should i clone or modify my actual version if i want to do some change?

  • 20 February 2020
  • 2 replies

Hello i have send email twice to devlopper email, still haven't get answer so i will copy paste the email here sorry about that: ''Hi, I was told I should reach out directly to this email to inquire about the graduation procedures. My application ID is the following: App name: start call, Send Sms, Read Sms V 0.01 App Client Id: MGXAqPy5TNWN_V3Fylhkqg Also, are verification needed upon every version I create or will this one suffice? And would you recommend cloning this original version under a new name (V 0.02) or modifying it directly?'' Here you go ! Thanks a lot for your answer

You can wait some more time for them to reply.

Also @Phong Vu can help you here. He can take the details and help you out.

Because your app is using SMS endpoint, it needs to go thru a review process. I just approved and move your app to the production. Please use the new client id and client secret for production now.
