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The example for get call log are all for current user


where is the function for download company log?

are there something like ReadCompanyCallLogParameters ? where is the example for c#


If you check the API link in the API console:

There is API readCompanyCallLog and in the right hand side you will find C# code and function: readCompanyCallLogParameters


The example you give need account id, is that means i have search account by account, i cannot get all call log information at once?

and what is the function to get account information?

What do you mean "account by account"? Account id is the id of the entire company, while extension id is the id of each extension under the company. Think as "the employer and employees" where employer is the account and employees are extensions.

You can read the call log in 2 levels.

User (extension) level

Company (account) level

Read these blogs for more info.

Thank for your comment, it is working

That is not a solution, I did it already, but it keeps an error.

I allowed ReadCallLog permission to my app, but I am getting an error below when I test api using Postman.

{ "errorCode": "InsufficientPermissions", "message": "In order to call this API endpoint, one of the following permissions [ReadCompanyCallLog] have to be granted to the authorized user.", "errors": [ { "errorCode": "CMN-408", "message": "In order to call this API endpoint, one of the following permissions [ReadCompanyCallLog] have to be granted to the authorized user.", "permissionsName": "ReadCompanyCallLog" } ], "permissionsName": "ReadCompanyCallLog"}

Please see this.

I am not clear why it keeps an error above.

Hi @NuCare Admin this error means you need to login as 'Admin' using admin credentials, see this question for similar problem/solution:
